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Who may use Guiding Stars media?
Guiding Stars clients may use Guiding Stars media to promote nutritious eating and the sale of Guiding Stars-worthy products and are requested to follow the standards laid out below for crediting Guiding Stars.
For support, contact:
Elizabeth Caton,
Garrick Brown,
Other Content Developers
Other content developers are required to follow all of the guidelines for use of Guiding Stars media, with the additional stipulation that permission for use of Guiding Stars media must be requested.
Guiding Stars Rating
Required: Each displayed recipe must include the Guiding Stars rating after the recipe title.
Preferred: Each displayed recipe should ideally include the appropriate star-rating graphic.
Pumped-Up Pumpkin Bread, 1 Guiding Star
Linked Credit
Guiding Stars must be credited, and the credit must include a link to
Courtesy Byline
The headnote should include the following text, including a link to
“This recipe is/These recipes are provided courtesy of Guiding Stars, a science-based nutrition rating program.”
The headnote on each placement may not be taken from the Guiding Stars site without citation. If a user would like to use specific language from the headnote, they must present it as a quotation, credit Guiding Stars, and link to the specific page or post where the language was found.
“Tip: If you want to make this ahead, keep the greens separate until right before you serve.” – Guiding Stars
Recipe Photography
Photos should include the following caption: “Photo courtesy of Guiding Stars.”
Ideally, both the caption and the photo should link to
In the case of multiple photos from Guiding Stars, it is acceptable to have one statement for the entire batch of photos at the beginning or end of the post: “Photos courtesy of Guiding Stars.”
Blog Posts
Blog posts or pieces thereof must be appropriately credited to both the author and Guiding Stars.
If a user would like to use a complete blog post, they must credit the author, cite the original post title, note that it originally appeared on Guiding Stars, and link to the original post.
The B12 Question, by Allison Stowell, MS, RD, CDN – originally written for Guiding Stars
If a user would like to use a portion of specific language from a post, they must present it as a quotation, credit the author and Guiding Stars, and link to the specific post where the language was found.
“Our bodies can’t produce B12, the essential, water-soluble vitamin found mostly in meat and dairy foods, and therefore we must seek it in our diet.” – Allison Stowell, MS, RD, CDN for Guiding Stars
Please double-check the name spelling, title, credentials, and biographical information for up-to-date accuracy for our representatives against the most current information on our website.
Social Media
When posts including Guiding Stars content are shared on social media, please tag or post the appropriate account.
Twitter: @GuidingStars
Facebook: @GuidingStars
Pinterest: @GuidingStars